Keystone XL Protest Signs for Download
February 28, 2014


As promised, here are seven posters/signs that I created for the Keystone XL Protest that I plan to attend this weekend.

As I mentioned on Monday, I believe it is FAR more effective to focus on NON-CO2 related reasons for opposing the pipeline when your goal is to convince people that don’t believe in “Global Warming” and have been spoon-fed a steady stream of lies of “Job Jobs Jobs”, “cheap gas” and “Energy Independence”, to vote against something they’ve been told would be a magic bullet for the economy.

Previews are in JPG format. Each poster in both “tall” and “wide” formats for signs or posters. Click images to download in high resolution PhotoShop format:

The oil is to be EXPORTED – The oil is to be EXPORTED

HIGHER prices NOT lower –  – HIGHER prices NOT lower

The JOBS myth – The JOBS myth

No good for gasoline – No good for gasoline

Massive Tailing Ponds – Massive Tailing Ponds

An ENORMOUS waste of fresh water – An ENORMOUS waste of fresh water

Summary poster – Summary poster

If you find these posters useful, let us know. – Mugsy



February 28, 2014 · Admin Mugsy · No Comments - Add
Posted in: Economy, Energy Independence, Environment, Global Warming, Greed, Jobs, Middle East, myth busting, Politics

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