Archive for the ‘Guest Blogger’ Category

Guest Op/Ed – Ukraine Crisis: Lessons Obama Should Learn


Recent events in Crimea carry political consequences in the United States, calling the Obama administration to action in response to Vladimir Putin’s show of strength in the region.  Already fettered by friction due to Edward Snowden being granted asylum by Russia last year, and noted diplomatic discord between Obama and Putin since they have shared […]


March 17, 2014
Posted in: fake scandals, Guest Blogger, National Security, Politics, rewriting history, War

Guest Blogger: A Degree Of Civilization; The American Prison System


“The degree of civilization in a society may be judged by entering it’s prisons” ~ Dostoevsky Pop quiz, kids: Which nation has more of it’s populace imprisoned than any other country on earth? Nope, it’s not China. It’s not Russia either. Cuba? Good guess but they’re number five. According to Wikipedia (which has it’s problems […]


January 20, 2014
Posted in: Crime, Greed, Guest Blogger, Money, Taxes

Guest Op/Ed: The Hunting Of Yet Another President


They’re going to impeach President Obama. I don’t know what their justification will be yet. The right is still obsessed with Benghazi so it might be that (wanna have some fun, ask a winger exactly what happened at Benghazi that they’re pissed about). It might be something to do with the budget. Maybe they’ll find […]


October 23, 2013
Posted in: Guest Blogger, Partisanship, Politics, Predictions, Right-wing Facism

Guest Post: The Public And The Strings That Bind Us


This week’s guest post is by Ebon (formerly of “Ebon’s Bear Cave”) in the UK. Ebon worked for for many years (until Fox fired everyone on the Community team), and openly writes about his own struggles with mental illness to mitigate the stigma associated with it. – Mugsy   Rewriting history. Scene from 1992 […]


July 22, 2013
Posted in: Economy, General, Guest Blogger, Money, Politics

Guest Post: My Way or the Highway…


I’d like to welcome guest blogger “Grant in Texas” for taking over posting duties for me this week as I shuttle back & forth between home and the hospital to tend to my ailing mother. I know it is unusual for a host to hand the reins of an entire blog over to one of its visitors, […]


July 8, 2013
Posted in: Guest Blogger, Partisanship, Politics, Rants

Guest Op/Ed: Does passing laws stop abortion?


Special guest-commentary today by user “Tom J.” I met Tom during an OFA Viewing Party of President Obama’s big convention speech last August, where he posed some interesting questions about life in countries with strict anti-abortion laws vs those that keep abortion legal & freely available. Impressed, I asked him to share those thoughts with you today. Several […]


October 16, 2012
Posted in: Abortion rights, Election, Guest Blogger, Healthcare, myth busting, Politics, Religion

Special guest comment: Our Changing Relationship with Gaza


Special Guest blogger “Grant from Texas” recalls his time working in Israel in the mid-1970’s and how much our relationship with the people in that region has changed since then. Minor edits, a few corrections and some supporting links were added for clarity. Romney is on TV this morning accusing President Obama of “sympathizing” with […]


September 12, 2012
Posted in: General, Guest Blogger, Middle East, Politics, Rants, Religion, Terrorism, War