Archive for the ‘Middle East’ Category

American Parsimony Toward Syrian Refugees is a Disgrace. Let them in.


Just over four Million Syrian refugees have fled their homeland looking to escape the ravages of a war that WE are largely to blame for yet accept almost no responsibility for. President Obama has announced that the United States will allow in a paltry 10,000 Syrian refugees into the U.S…. NEXT YEAR… or ONE QUARTER OF ONE PERCENT. Meanwhile, Germany, […]


September 14, 2015
Posted in: General, Middle East, National Security, Seems Obvious to Me, Terrorism, War

GOP Frontrunners Reveal Their Moronic Dark Agendas for the Country


The presidential candidates of BOTH parties descended upon the Iowa State Fair this past weekend, but when reporters asked the GOP frontrunners for policy specifics, their horrifying agenda should send shivers down the spine of any sane voter. Donald Trump said the problem of illegal immigration has become SO bad we have “no choice” but to round […]


August 17, 2015
Posted in: Abortion rights, Economy, Election, Immigration Reform, Jobs, Middle East, Money, Party of Life, Politics, Right-Wing Insanity, Taxes, Unconstitutional

STUNNING VIDEO: Iraqi soldiers say if US sends more troops, “We’ll fight them too!”


Iraqi soldiers: “If Obama sends more troops to fight ISIS, we’ll fight ISIS AND the Americans!” (2:48) [flv: 512 288] The full clip shows what a chaotic mess Iraq has become since the 2003 invasion. Not just from the constant fighting, but with the rise of Islamic militancy (women completely covered, schools closed, Christians […]


June 15, 2015
Posted in: Election, Middle East, National Security, Politics, rewriting history, Right-Wing Insanity, Terrorism, War

Iraqis Showing the Route to Peace/Progress with Massive Infrastructure Project?


After 12 years of war, Iraq may be showing America and the rest of the world the path to peace: Iraqi’s are building an entire city, Bismayah, just outside Baghdad. The massive infrastructure project has already created hundreds (thousands?) of new construction jobs (and hundreds more tangential jobs, related and non to construction) and once […]


June 8, 2015
Posted in: General, Infrastructure, Jobs, Middle East, National Security, Right-Wing Insanity, Seems Obvious to Me, War

GOP Desperately Needs You to Forget How the Iraq War Started. Woodward: I found no lies.


First it was “Benghazi!”, and the unmitigated OUTRAGE on the Right over the deaths of four Americans on 9/11/12 on the watch of a Democratic president (9/11/01? Four THOUSAND dead under a Republican President and Republican Congress? That’s not an “outrage”, that’s something to campaign on!) Next was Jeb Bush last week desperately hoping to convince everyone that “everybody” […]


May 25, 2015
Posted in: Election, Middle East, myth busting, National Security, Politics, rewriting history, Right-Wing Hypocrisy, War

GOP Candidates All Adopting Language of Democrats to Remain Relevant


Last week, Jeb Bush found himself in Damage Control mode after telling a Fox “news” anchor that he’d still have gone into Iraq in 2003 despite “knowing what we know now”. His GOP opponents pounced, denouncing the very idea that anything good came out of the invasion of Iraq that mitigated the mind-numbing disaster to follow. In […]


May 18, 2015
Posted in: Election, General, Middle East, myth busting, National Security, Partisanship, Politics, Right-Wing Hypocrisy, Seems Obvious to Me

STUNNING VIDEO: Kristol claims “Iraq was safe and peaceful when George Bush left.” Seriously.


My eyebrows hit the ceiling: “OMG! Did he really just say that???” Resident Right-Wing Chief Revisionist Historian and iconic Chicken-hawk Bill Kristol actually said during yesterday’s episode of ABC’s ThisWeek that “George Bush left Iraq safe & peaceful when he left office in 2008.” You think I’m kidding? Watch: Kristol: “Bush left Iraq safe & peaceful” […]


February 23, 2015
Posted in: Middle East, myth busting, National Security, rewriting history, Right-Wing Insanity, War

When Your Only Tool for Peace is a Military Hammer…


This past week saw the bloody attack on French satirical magazine “Charlie Hebdo” and a nearby Jewish deli by three Muslim extremists (trained by ISIS… or was it AQAP? No one seems to be sure) out to “avenge The Prophet!” for being depicted in a cartoon (question: If no one if allowed to draw “The Prophet”, how do you know that’s a cartoon of […]


January 12, 2015
Posted in: Infrastructure, Middle East, National Security, Religion, Terrorism, War

No Arming Syrian Rebels. Have we learned *nothing* from Iraq?


Two famous proverbs haunted me all last week:  “Those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it.” – Edmund Burke, Irish Statesman (1729-1797)  “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over & over, and expecting a different result each time.” – Author Rita Mae Brown (1983) as quoted by […]


September 22, 2014
Posted in: Middle East, National Security, Seems Obvious to Me, Terrorism, War

Sunni Violence Against Americans Is Not New (2006 video)


This past week was packed wall-to-wall with Neocons and former “Bushies” alike criticizing President Obama for the rise of ISIS/ISIL. Senator McCain is still  blaming President Obama for “pulling all of our troops out of Iraq in 2011” without leaving any residual forces behind… a claim that frustrates me to no end. The fact no one in the media ever challenges […]


September 15, 2014
Posted in: fake scandals, Middle East, myth busting, National Security, Politics, Terrorism, War

Republicans think “the world changed” on September 11th. No it didn’t. 17 months later it did.


The world did not change on September 11th. Maybe for Republicans it did, but for the rest of us, we were just as concerned about terrorism on September 10th as we were on September 11th. Just because Republicans were suddenly & violently awakened as to just how serious a threat “terrorism” was on “9/11” doesn’t mean […]


September 10, 2014
Posted in: General, Middle East, National Security, Politics, Terrorism, War

This Is Why We Said No to Invading Iraq in 2003. Those who pushed for war, please shut up.


Last June, The Rachel Maddow Show commented on the number of former Bush Administration figures that were suddenly being booked on the Sunday Political Talkshows to pontificate on the rise of ISIS, the Sunni-based terrorist organization: Attention Media: Stop booking Yahoos to advise on Iraq! (4:52) [flv: 512 288] Yesterday on ABC’s ThisWeek, Bill […]


August 25, 2014
Posted in: Middle East, National Security, Politics, rewriting history, Terrorism, War