Archive for February, 2010

Republican to English dictionary


About a week ago, a Right-Wing caller into one of the major Progressive radio-shows I listen to called President Bush “a Liberal”. Saturday, one of my YouTube videos drew the same “accusation”. Of all the things George W. Bush was, “a Liberal” was not one of them. Liberals don’t view government as “evil”, but as a […]


February 22, 2010
Posted in: myth busting, Politics

Putting the “Snowpocalypse” into perspective with maps


Recently, the Right-Wing echo chamber has been in a lather over record snowfall in the American North East, suggesting that it is “proof” of the nonexistence of “Global Warming”. Last week, I noted how famed Conservatives Sen. Jim Inhoff (R-OK), Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC), Sean Hannity and Sarah Palin are all giddy over how foolish […]


February 18, 2010
Posted in: Global Warming, myth busting

Go ahead and laugh Republicans, but record snowfall IS from Global Warming.


Just a quicky. The North East is currently suffering its THIRD blizzard in two months. Giddy conservative Global Warming deniers like Jim Inhofe (R-OK) were photographed building an “igloo” in his front yard with his grandchildren, mockingly calling it “Al Gore’s new home.” Sean Hannity of Fox “News” claimed on his show Monday night that […]


February 11, 2010
Posted in: Global Warming, myth busting

Myth Busting: “In Search Of…” 1970’s “Global Cooling” hype.


While Washington D.C. and the surrounding area attempts to dig itself out from under “The Snow-pocolypse”, Global Warming deniers are back at it again, pointing to it and the unusually blizzardly (pardon the new word) Winter we’ve been having… mixed in with last Falls “leaked Climate-Gate emails” as PROOF that “Global Warming” is actually a […]


February 8, 2010
Posted in: Environment, Global Warming, myth busting, Politics, Rants

GOP: The Party of Lawlessness. Four Decades of Criminal Behavior.


I‘m probably not telling you anything that hasn’t crossed your mind already, but sometimes we just need to say things out loud for them to sink in: For all their talk about “patriots” and “love of America”, the GOP really HAS become a party with a total lack of respect for the law (apologies to […]


February 1, 2010
Posted in: General, Politics, Seems Obvious to Me