Archive for the ‘Energy Independence’ Category

Two Cat-4 Hurricanes in Two Weeks. Ignoring Climate Change is getting VERY expensive


For the first time in history, two category 4 hurricanes make landfall in the same season and STILL we hear equivocation on Climate Change?


September 11, 2017
Posted in: Energy Independence, Environment, Global Warming, Jobs, Money, myth busting, Partisanship, Politics, Rants, Right-Wing Insanity

Trump Says Paris Accord Too Tough. Staff Justifies Backing Out Because It Wasn’t Tough Enough


Trump justified backing out of the Paris Climate Accord by claiming the standards were too tough. Then he sends out his EPA Chief to justify backing out by citing scientists who complained it wasn’t tough enough.


June 5, 2017
Posted in: Energy Independence, Environment, Global Warming, Jobs, myth busting, Rants, Right-wing Facism, Right-Wing Insanity

Amid Record Low Oil and Gas, Trump Says Keystone XL Needed ‘Desperately’. Then threatens to reject it


Donald Trump called not building the Keystone XL pipeline “devastating”. To who? With a glut in the Market and domestic oil jobs being lost, do we NEED more oil?


January 25, 2016
Posted in: Economy, Election, Energy Independence, Jobs, Money, myth busting, Politics, Right-Wing Insanity

Republicans Vow First Order of Business Will Be A Pointless Exercise in Showing Who’s Boss by Approving KXL


As I noted a few weeks ago, I’m still surprised by the number of people that just don’t remember that gas was WELL below $2/gallon before… not just before George W. Bush… but two years into the Bush presidency before the invasion of Iraq in 2003. They just couldn’t fathom gas prices ever being as low […]


January 5, 2015
Posted in: Election, Energy Independence, General, Greed, Jobs, Money, myth busting, Partisanship, Politics, Right-Wing Insanity

Plunge in Oil Prices Foretells Looming Economic Disaster. Aribrary pricing can go up easier than it came down.


During the 2000 presidential campaign, after oil climbed a whopping 72cents in one day (yes, that’s sarcasm) to $33.05/barrel, causing gasoline prices to hit an “unthinkable” $1.68/gallon nationally, Interstate “long-haul” truckers across the country threatened to go on strike saying that the soaring price of fuel was putting them out of business. Naturally, the leading […]


December 8, 2014
Posted in: Economy, Energy Independence, Greed, Money, Predictions, Seems Obvious to Me

Keystone XL: Not Just a Potential Environmental Disaster But An Economic One Too.


Did you know about 1/2 of the Keystone XL Pipeline has ALREADY BEEN BUILT? The KXL project is a 1,200 mile long pipeline extending from Hardisty, Alberta to refineries in Houston, Texas near The Houston Ship Channel. The southern legs of the pipeline, one branch from Steele City, KS to the pipeline hub of Cushing, Okla., and the other […]


November 17, 2014
Posted in: Economy, Energy Independence, Environment, Global Warming, Greed, Jobs, Money, myth busting, Right-Wing Insanity

Keystone XL Protest Signs for Download


As promised, here are seven posters/signs that I created for the Keystone XL Protest that I plan to attend this weekend. As I mentioned on Monday, I believe it is FAR more effective to focus on NON-CO2 related reasons for opposing the pipeline when your goal is to convince people that don’t believe in “Global Warming” and […]


February 28, 2014
Posted in: Economy, Energy Independence, Environment, Global Warming, Greed, Jobs, Middle East, myth busting, Politics

No, the Keystone Tar Sand Oil is NOT Inevitable


A little birdy tells me that President Obama is now considering approving the final leg of the infamous “Keystone XL” pipeline because some big names on the Left have resigned themselves to the idea that the tar sands making it to market is “inevitable”, so we might as well be the ones to do it before a “less” […]


February 24, 2014
Posted in: Economy, Energy Independence, Environment, Global Warming, Jobs, Money, myth busting, Seems Obvious to Me

Apathy Latest Enemy In Fighting Keystone XL Pipeline


Back in April of 2011, I wrote a lengthy post detailing all the misconceptions, deceptions and outright lies being spread by supporters of the “Keystone XL” pipeline. It was popular and important enough that I gave that post its own page, linked from the Top Menu above. Quite literally, EVERY benefit being claimed about the pipeline is complete […]


February 3, 2014
Posted in: Economy, Energy Independence, Environment, Global Warming, Jobs, myth busting, Politics

Good Economic News Despite Shutdown? Thank low gas prices


It’s a point I’ve been making for years: Gas Prices have THE MOST direct impact on the economy than any other factor. When gas prices go up, consumers have less money to spend elsewhere. In addition, the costs of production go up, as does the price of shipping those goods to market. So not only […]


December 9, 2013
Posted in: Economy, Energy Independence, General, Jobs

Iran Deal Underscores Need to Abandon Nuclear Energy as a Power Source


Nearly two years ago, I wrote about how the GOP presidential candidates were saber-rattling over “Iran’s nuclear program”, completely devoid of any self awareness as they simultaneously complained about rising gas prices without connecting the two events… not now, not in the eight years it was happening under President Bush (side note: gas prices have been […]


November 25, 2013
Posted in: Energy Independence, Environment, fake scandals, General, Middle East

10th Anniversary of the Iraq War, the Price of Gas, and the Mess We’re In Today


Tuesday marks the tenth anniversary of the saddest chapter of the George W. Bush presidency. Every disaster to follow… to this day… can be traced back to that decision to invade a relatively unarmed nation that had not attacked us, under the false pretense of “Weapons of Mass Destruction”. Our exploding National Debt, our decimated economy (from gas prices […]


March 18, 2013
Posted in: Economy, Energy Independence, Middle East, Money, Politics, Right-wing Facism, Terrorism, War