Archive for the ‘fake scandals’ Category

Why a Shutdown? Here is what it would be like if Trump got everything he wanted


During the 2016 campaign, Trump had a long list of promises he said that if passed would “Make American Great Again.” He’s learning now there are consequences to every decision.


January 22, 2018
Posted in: Civil Rights, Crime, Economy, fake scandals, Greed, Immigration Reform, Jobs, Money, myth busting, Partisanship, Politics, Racism, rewriting history, Right-Wing Insanity, Seems Obvious to Me

Debunking This Syria Conspiracy Stupidity (and saying goodbye to the tinfoil hat brigade)


The complexities of the Syrian chemical weapons attack has driven The Conspiracy Theory crowd into overdrive. Put away the tinfoil hats. Here are the facts.


April 10, 2017
Posted in: fake scandals, Middle East, mystery, myth busting, National Security, Rants, Right-Wing Insanity, Seems Obvious to Me, Terrorism, War

First Official Act of Trump Press Secretary is to Lie About an Easily Disprovable Fact?


Press Secretary Spicer falsely claims Trump had “largest inaugural crowd in history. PERIOD!” Lying about easily disprovable facts is one thing, but why over such petty stuff?


January 23, 2017
Posted in: fake scandals, General, myth busting, rewriting history, Right-Wing Insanity

Let’s Remember What “Fake News” REALLY Was


I‘ve seen it every time control of the White House changes hands. The people who only just started paying attention as of the most recent election are “shocked, shocked!” to discover something terrible about the outgoing administration or politics at large that previous administrations were FAR more guilty of, but they didn’t pay attention to […]


January 16, 2017
Posted in: fake scandals, myth busting, Politics, rewriting history, Right-Wing Hypocrisy

I’ll Support Hillary, BUT… Making the case against Clinton (without helping Republicans)


Hillary Clinton touts her “Progressiveness”, but she has a far more Conservative history and tendencies.


February 8, 2016
Posted in: Election, fake scandals, myth busting, National Security, War

Why we NEED the Syrian Refugees (SPECIAL EDITION)


My letter to President Obama: Dear Mr. President, Tx Sen. Ted Cruz said we would be “crazy” to allow in the Syrian Refugees right now. I say we would be “crazy” NOT TO! Refugees are like an INOCULATION against domestic terrorism. They have seen the horrors of ISIS first hand, then integrate into their communities […]


November 18, 2015
Posted in: Civil Rights, fake scandals, Immigration Reform, Middle East, myth busting, National Security, Racism, Religion, Right-Wing Hypocrisy, Right-Wing Insanity, Seems Obvious to Me, Terrorism

Dr Carson Revives Dangerous “Health Savings Account” Zombie from 2012


I have a long standing rule not to criticize truly awful GOP Primary candidates when they are winning. “When your opponent(s) are digging themselves into a hole, the only thing you should hand them is a shovel.” I’m going to break that rule this week because Dr. Ben Carson has decided to bring back a dangerous (and arguably […]


October 26, 2015
Posted in: Economy, Election, fake scandals, Greed, Healthcare, Money, myth busting, Politics, Right-Wing Insanity

Despite History of Deceptively Edited Videos, Right Wing Videographers Still Taken Seriously


Right-Wing activists have a checkered history of posting deceptively edited video to suggest events are taking place that in fact aren’t, and despite acknowledging that these videos have been selectively edited by the author, The Media still takes them seriously and gives their “findings” an aire of legitimacy & respectability by suggesting they are evidence of […]


July 27, 2015
Posted in: Abortion rights, Civil Rights, Crime, fake scandals, myth busting, Right-wing Facism, Scandals

Where Is the Accusation of a CRIME to justify a Tax-Payer Funded Investigation into Hillary’s Emails?


Once again I find myself in the uncomfortable position of defending Hillary Clinton. Yesterday’s poli-talk shows all covered “Hillary Clinton’s emails” and the fact she didn’t turn over her personal private emails to the GOP controlled Congress for scrutiny. In fact Clinton freely admits that it was “probably a mistake to use just one email account” while […]


March 16, 2015
Posted in: Crime, Election, fake scandals, National Security, Partisanship, Politics, Right-Wing Hypocrisy, Scandals, Taxes

GOP Should Be Last Ones to Accuse Hillary of Secrecy


The GOP thinks it has finally found the chink in Hillary’s armor. The one thing that could derail her presidential prospects… the fact she used her private email account for public business while working at the State Department. But when it comes to secrecy & email, Republicans are the LAST people on Earth who should be […]


March 9, 2015
Posted in: Election, fake scandals, Partisanship, Politics, Right-Wing Hypocrisy, Scandals

GOP Responds to Complaints of Obama Acting Unilaterally By Demanding He Have Unilateral Power to Declare War


Oh Republicans, you poor inconsistent clueless gnats. Yesterday, on no less than three network poli-talk shows (and probably more but I only watch three), Republicans… in the SAME rants mind you… defended refusing to budge on tying the “Homeland Security” budget to rescinding President Obama’s “illegal and unconstitutional” Executive Order not to prosecute the “Dreamers” (which IS Constitutional and completely within […]


February 16, 2015
Posted in: fake scandals, National Security, Partisanship, Politics, Right-Wing Hypocrisy, Unconstitutional

Ebola Hysteria Is A Greater Threat Than Ebola


In the Summer of 2001, before “9/11”, reports of an 8 year old Florida boy losing an arm after being attacked by a Bull Shark grabbed the headlines. A day or two later, a New York man vacationing in the Bahamas lost a leg in a shark attack. Barely a week after that, another Florida man was bitten six miles from the spot […]


October 20, 2014
Posted in: Election, fake scandals, Healthcare, myth busting