Archive for the ‘Terrorism’ Category

Home of the Brave? Govs & Congress Terrified of Refugees. GOP Front-runners Channel… you know who.


Following the Paris attacks, if anyone had just cause to fear strangers from a war zone entering their country, it was the French. Instead, they said to the world, “We will not be intimidated!” and recommitted themselves to accepting 30 Thousand additional Syrian Refugees (which, as I pointed out last week, is a very smart move.) […]


November 23, 2015
Posted in: Election, Immigration Reform, Middle East, myth busting, National Security, Politics, Racism, Religion, Right-wing Facism, Right-Wing Insanity, Terrorism, War

Why we NEED the Syrian Refugees (SPECIAL EDITION)


My letter to President Obama: Dear Mr. President, Tx Sen. Ted Cruz said we would be “crazy” to allow in the Syrian Refugees right now. I say we would be “crazy” NOT TO! Refugees are like an INOCULATION against domestic terrorism. They have seen the horrors of ISIS first hand, then integrate into their communities […]


November 18, 2015
Posted in: Civil Rights, fake scandals, Immigration Reform, Middle East, myth busting, National Security, Racism, Religion, Right-Wing Hypocrisy, Right-Wing Insanity, Seems Obvious to Me, Terrorism

Paris, Freedom Fries and The Problem of Jihadi Recruitment.


The terrorist attacks in Paris last Friday brought back memories of 9/11 for a lot of people. But for me, I was more reminded of how all this leads back to George Bush’s disastrous decision to invade Iraq in the first place… and the fact France warned us not to do it, calling military intervention in Iraq: “the […]


November 16, 2015
Posted in: Infrastructure, Middle East, myth busting, National Security, Right-Wing Insanity, Seems Obvious to Me, Terrorism, War

Obama Extends The Longest War in U.S. History. Here’s How to End It


Last week, President Obama was forced to reluctantly concede that the War in Afghanistan was not going to end on his watch as hoped. One of his first acts upon entering office in 2009 was to send an additional 30,000 troops into Afghanistan (Side note: Republicans blame the continued fighting in Iraq on President Obama withdrawing our […]


October 19, 2015
Posted in: Infrastructure, Middle East, National Security, Seems Obvious to Me, Terrorism, War

Same People Telling Us More Guns Is Solution to Gun Violence Have Given Us 15 years of War in Mid East


WHILE President Obama was en route to Oregon to meet with families of the last mass school shooting at Umpqua Community College, TWO MORE school shootings took place, one at Northern Arizona University (one dead, three wounded) and one at Texas Southern University (one dead, one wounded). And as I pointed out last week, all the GOP candidates […]


October 12, 2015
Posted in: Crime, Election, Guns & Violence, Middle East, National Security, Party of Life, Politics, Racism, Religion, Right-Wing Insanity, Seems Obvious to Me, Terrorism, War

American Parsimony Toward Syrian Refugees is a Disgrace. Let them in.


Just over four Million Syrian refugees have fled their homeland looking to escape the ravages of a war that WE are largely to blame for yet accept almost no responsibility for. President Obama has announced that the United States will allow in a paltry 10,000 Syrian refugees into the U.S…. NEXT YEAR… or ONE QUARTER OF ONE PERCENT. Meanwhile, Germany, […]


September 14, 2015
Posted in: General, Middle East, National Security, Seems Obvious to Me, Terrorism, War

Let’s Face Facts: Spike in violence against Blacks tied to Right Wing hostility toward Obama


After news broke of the mass murder of nine African-American members of the AME Church of Charleston, SC last Thursday, the “discovery” that the shooter was a Confederate Flag waving racist gun nut, surprised no one. What WAS surprising was the lengths to which Fox “news” went to to suggest that this might have been an attack on […]


June 22, 2015
Posted in: Crime, Guns & Violence, myth busting, Party of Life, Politics, Racism, Rants, Religion, Seems Obvious to Me, Terrorism

STUNNING VIDEO: Iraqi soldiers say if US sends more troops, “We’ll fight them too!”


Iraqi soldiers: “If Obama sends more troops to fight ISIS, we’ll fight ISIS AND the Americans!” (2:48) [flv: 512 288] The full clip shows what a chaotic mess Iraq has become since the 2003 invasion. Not just from the constant fighting, but with the rise of Islamic militancy (women completely covered, schools closed, Christians […]


June 15, 2015
Posted in: Election, Middle East, National Security, Politics, rewriting history, Right-Wing Insanity, Terrorism, War

OKC Bombing 20 years later. Remembering Right Wing Inspired Domestic Terrorism


Remember when terrorists were lily-white Conservative Americans? Religious fanatics and neo-Nazi’s alike, the people we had to fear most in this world weren’t the ones in the Middle East providing us with all that lovely oil, it was anti-government militia groups, bombing abortion clinics, the Olympic Park in Atlanta and a federal building in Oklahoma City. Those same gun-toting […]


April 20, 2015
Posted in: Crime, Guns & Violence, National Security, Partisanship, Politics, Right-Wing Insanity, Terrorism, War

Just IMAGINE the Howls of OUTRAGE by GOP had Dems Invited Jacques Chirac to Lobby Congress Under Bush


Tuesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is scheduled to address a joint session of Congress regarding our Iran policy, invited by the GOP without informing the President of the United States first. Likewise, Netanyahu himself did not bother to tell the President he was coming, learning of the visit only after he was told by staffers and […]


March 2, 2015
Posted in: National Security, Partisanship, Politics, Right-Wing Hypocrisy, Terrorism, War

When Your Only Tool for Peace is a Military Hammer…


This past week saw the bloody attack on French satirical magazine “Charlie Hebdo” and a nearby Jewish deli by three Muslim extremists (trained by ISIS… or was it AQAP? No one seems to be sure) out to “avenge The Prophet!” for being depicted in a cartoon (question: If no one if allowed to draw “The Prophet”, how do you know that’s a cartoon of […]


January 12, 2015
Posted in: Infrastructure, Middle East, National Security, Religion, Terrorism, War

Dear Torture Advocates: Not only does it not work, it makes things worse.


On March 23, 2003… three days into the invasion of Iraq, Private Jessica Lynch was captured by Iraqi forces following an ambush of her convoy. Publicists in the Bush Administration spun an elaborate tail of how “Blood & Guts” Lynch fired her weapon “til she emptied her clip” of ammo (Lynch had actually done no such […]


December 15, 2014
Posted in: Crime, myth busting, National Security, Party of Life, Right-Wing Insanity, Scandals, Terrorism, War