Archive for the ‘Election’ Category

What If… Hillary’s Campaign Imploded? Who fills the void?


Most people believe that the Bush Administration invaded Iraq in 2003 without a plan for what to do once they had overthrown Saddam. But they DID have a plan. ONE plan. To replace him with a man named Ahmed Chalabi, an Iraqi exile that tried & failed for nearly a decade to convince the Clinton White House that Saddam possessed […]


April 27, 2015
Posted in: Election, General, Politics, Scandals, Seems Obvious to Me

If Hillary is nominee in 2016, she has my vote. Here is how to win my SUPPORT.


At the start of the 2008 presidential race, I was a Hillary Clinton supporter. I was a “Health care Reform” voter and she had made reform a key plank in her campaign. But as the race dragged on (with the help of Republican’s engaging in what Rush Limbaugh coined “Operation Chaos”), the debate turned nasty between her and […]


April 13, 2015
Posted in: Election, Politics, Rants, Scandals, Seems Obvious to Me, War

Birthers Rejoice On News Canadian-born Rafael “Ted” Cruz will Run for President


Ted Cruz’s official, Canadian birth certificate. Section 1 of Article Two of the United States Constitution states: No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to […]


March 23, 2015
Posted in: Election, Partisanship, Politics, Racism, Right-Wing Hypocrisy, Right-Wing Insanity

Where Is the Accusation of a CRIME to justify a Tax-Payer Funded Investigation into Hillary’s Emails?


Once again I find myself in the uncomfortable position of defending Hillary Clinton. Yesterday’s poli-talk shows all covered “Hillary Clinton’s emails” and the fact she didn’t turn over her personal private emails to the GOP controlled Congress for scrutiny. In fact Clinton freely admits that it was “probably a mistake to use just one email account” while […]


March 16, 2015
Posted in: Crime, Election, fake scandals, National Security, Partisanship, Politics, Right-Wing Hypocrisy, Scandals, Taxes

GOP Should Be Last Ones to Accuse Hillary of Secrecy


The GOP thinks it has finally found the chink in Hillary’s armor. The one thing that could derail her presidential prospects… the fact she used her private email account for public business while working at the State Department. But when it comes to secrecy & email, Republicans are the LAST people on Earth who should be […]


March 9, 2015
Posted in: Election, fake scandals, Partisanship, Politics, Right-Wing Hypocrisy, Scandals

Cruz & Carson Latest Republicans to Complain About Income Inequality


Now don’t get me wrong, while I applaud the GOP’s new found concern over “income inequality” and the stagnation of the middle-class, I’m reminded of the old joke when The Menendez Brothers were on trial for murdering their parents and the possibility of them asking the judge for leniency because they were orphans. Last month, […]


February 9, 2015
Posted in: Economy, Election, Greed, Money, myth busting, Politics, rewriting history, Right-Wing Hypocrisy, Right-Wing Insanity, Taxes

Republicans Vow First Order of Business Will Be A Pointless Exercise in Showing Who’s Boss by Approving KXL


As I noted a few weeks ago, I’m still surprised by the number of people that just don’t remember that gas was WELL below $2/gallon before… not just before George W. Bush… but two years into the Bush presidency before the invasion of Iraq in 2003. They just couldn’t fathom gas prices ever being as low […]


January 5, 2015
Posted in: Election, Energy Independence, General, Greed, Jobs, Money, myth busting, Partisanship, Politics, Right-Wing Insanity

Mugsy’s Annual Predictions for 2015


This is arguably my favorite posting duty of the year, where I get to ridicule the so-called “psychics”, blast Conservative prognosticators, a look back at my own routinely successful record of predicting (averaging around 60%), followed by my own predictions for the coming year. Sure, I’ve had my good years (75% in 2008) and my bad (20% […]


December 29, 2014
Posted in: Economy, Election, General, Money, Predictions

Electorate Votes Big for Progressive Policies (and the people least likely to implement them)


What conclusions can be drawn from an electorate that voted overwhelmingly for Progressive policies in last Tuesday’s election only to also vote for the people LEAST likely to implement them? In EVERY state where raising the Minimum Wage was on the ballot, all Deep-RED states, it won. In EVERY state where marijuana legalization was on the […]


November 10, 2014
Posted in: Election, myth busting, Partisanship, Politics, Predictions, Rants, Seems Obvious to Me, voting

One Number Explains Tuesday’s Miserable Election Results: 65 Percent


One simple number explains the surprising scale of Democratic losses on Tuesday: 65% Percent of those Exit Polled said the country is on “the wrong track”. o Unemployment is nearly half its 2009 post-Bush peak of 10.0%, down to 5.9% and falling. o The Deficit is down TWO-THIRDS over what President Obama inherited. o GDP […]


November 5, 2014
Posted in: Election, Partisanship, Politics, Right-Wing Insanity, voting

History Has Shown Us What Happens With Republicans In Charge – and it’s not good


Probably THE reason I’ve been writing this blog every week for the last ten years is because of the importance of elections. As the subtitle says, “Recording History for those Who Seek to Rewrite it”. Of course, you wouldn’t need to be reminded of something if you had no power to change it. Not only […]


November 3, 2014
Posted in: Economy, Election, myth busting, rewriting history, Right-Wing Hypocrisy, Taxes, voting

Will Voters Overlook Shutdown, Sequester, Impeachment and Economic Chaos over ISIS & Ebola fears?


In mid-2004, the BBC ran a three-part miniseries entitled “The Power of Nightmares”. The subject of the documentary was the idea that where we once elected people with the brightest vision of our future (the “sunny optimist”), today we elect the people with the biggest fears, ridiculing their critics as “naive” and “inadequately concerned” of whatever […]


October 27, 2014
Posted in: Election, Partisanship, Politics, Rants, Right-Wing Insanity, Seems Obvious to Me, Terrorism, voting