Archive for the ‘Partisanship’ Category

Boehner Says House Has “focused like a laser” on jobs. Seriously. (Fact-checked.)


We start this week with another quote: “A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.” – Mark Twain Even more true today in the age of the Internet. And I hate to tell you this, but Democrats just lost the Senate. As soon as you start […]


September 29, 2014
Posted in: Election, Jobs, Money, myth busting, Partisanship, Politics, rewriting history, Right-Wing Hypocrisy, voting

Labor Day: Record Job growth. S&P hits 30th record high. Obama approval among Republicans: 11%.


On this Labor Day, I’ll let the video do the talking (I apologize for the low quality. Recording technology has improved greatly since I recorded this ELEVEN YEARS AGO TODAY):   Bush campaigns for reelection amid record bad jobs numbers. (2:48) September 1, 2003 [flv: 176 144] The woman in the video that “doesn’t […]


September 1, 2014
Posted in: Economy, Jobs, Partisanship, Politics, rewriting history, Right-Wing Hypocrisy

If Republicans Sue Obama, Democrats MUST Impeach Bush for Commiting Same Crime


In 1867, two years after the assassination of President Lincoln, the Republican Party was in open revolt against a Republican president, threatening him with impeachment. In an attempt to reach out to the Southern states, President Lincoln replaced his 1st term vice president Hannibal Hamlin with Andrew Johnson… a Republican, but from the Southern state of Tennessee. Lincoln, who had just defeated […]


August 11, 2014
Posted in: fake scandals, myth busting, Partisanship, Politics, rewriting history, Right-Wing Insanity, Unconstitutional

Both Sides Are At Fault? Democrats Don’t Control the Senate. They Just Don’t.


Every time the news reported on how little Congress got done before embarking on their annual August Recess, some newscaster was always sure to point out the fact that “the Senate… controlled by Democrats…” likewise has been every bit as unproductive as the GOP-controlled House. The obvious implication being: “Both sides are equally to blame!”, […]


August 4, 2014
Posted in: Election, General, myth busting, Partisanship, Politics

Is Anyone Surprised Republicans Are Talking Impeachment?


I had been thinking it for years before I tweeted last January: “Reminder on importance of 2014 mid-terms: GOP impeached Clinton his final two years. #MtP”. And like swallows returning to Capistrano, the GOP seems to think that “impeachment” is a perfectly acceptable response to circumventing every Democratic presidency in its sixth year. They’ve been looking […]


July 28, 2014
Posted in: Election, fake scandals, Middle East, myth busting, Partisanship, Politics, Predictions, Right-Wing Insanity, Seems Obvious to Me, Unconstitutional

If Obama’s “Talk of Amnesty” is “Luring” Immigrants, Why Aren’t More of Them From Mexico?


I kept wishing someone would say (while shaking their head slowly), “Have you no shame, Senator Cruz?” The reincarnation of anti-Communist witch-hunter Senator Joe McCarthy went on “Meet the Press” yesterday and was given free network airtime to repeat the asinine GOP claim that it is President Obama’s “talk of amnesty” that is drawing this flood […]


July 21, 2014
Posted in: fake scandals, Immigration Reform, myth busting, Partisanship, Politics, Racism, Seems Obvious to Me

While President Bush Was Ducking Shoes… you missed the SOFA.


“It was a natural reaction to the killing of a million of my people, the orphaning of 5 million children, the widowing of one million women, resulting in tens of thousands of handicapped persons, tens of thousands of prisoners in American jails in Iraq, and the everyday scandals caused by the American occupation: rape, Abu Ghraib prison, bringing down […]


June 23, 2014
Posted in: fake scandals, Middle East, myth busting, Partisanship, Politics, rewriting history, Terrorism, War

Right Suddenly Outraged By A “Deserter” After Electing One President


First off, let’s get a few facts straight. I am NOT defending Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, nor am I excusing him going AWOL (and let’s be clear, he’s NOT a “deserter”, you’re only AWOL the first 30 days, and he was captured long before then.) Second, it seems that the GOP would now have us put every American POW on trial […]


June 9, 2014
Posted in: National Security, Partisanship, Politics, Rants, Right-Wing Insanity, Scandals, Terrorism, War

VA or Private Care: Denied Care Is Always Bad Care and GOP to Blame for Both


These past few weeks, the biggest news (prior to a young douchebag with a history of mental problems being able to buy a gun and kill a half dozen classmates because no girl would date the creepy bastard) was that Administrators of the Arizona Veterans Administration had been cooking the books, intentionally deceiving the VA HQ, in order to win performance […]


May 26, 2014
Posted in: Healthcare, Partisanship, Party of Life, Politics, rewriting history, Scandals

Must a President Be a Failure to Be a Success?


I was watching former Vice President Dick Cheney and his wife Lynn pollute my TV screen yesterday on Fox “news” Sunday, and I’m always struck by how stunningly self-UNaware Cheney is about the havoc his administration caused. Naturally, both Cheney’s blamed President Obama for America’s lack of credibility around the world, because he “drew a red line […]


May 19, 2014
Posted in: Economy, Election, General, Partisanship, Politics, Right-Wing Insanity, Seems Obvious to Me

It’s Well-Past Time We Start Questioning Republican Patriotism


On Wednesday, November 7th, 2012, the day after President Obama’s reelection, I already knew what to expect for the next four years. I remembered quite well how Republicans flat-out lost their friggin’ minds after President Clinton was reelected to a second term and was already reminding people what happened the last time Republicans controlled Congress after a Democrat was […]


May 12, 2014
Posted in: fake scandals, Partisanship, Politics, Rants, Right-Wing Insanity, Scandals, Seems Obvious to Me

Obama, Putin, and The Right’s Daddy Issues


Conservatives have “Daddy” issues. I’m not making a joke, I’m pointing out a demonstrative fact. For the past week, Republicans have been quick to express their admiration, if not outright praise, for “Vladamir Putin: Man of Action” for the way he (supposedly) bested President Obama (supposedly, once again) by invading the Crimean peninsula without any apparent concern for […]


March 10, 2014
Posted in: General, National Security, Partisanship, Politics, Rants, Right-Wing Insanity, War