Archive for April, 2011

$4 gas: The problem is not Supply.


Before Air Force legend Chuck Yeager broke the “sound barrier” in 1947, people believed that it just couldn’t be done. Many (many) died trying, and the conclusion was that “eventually you reach a point where the air just can’t move out of the way fast enough”. The pilot, it was believed, eventually flies into a […]


April 25, 2011
Posted in: Economy, Energy Independence, myth busting, Politics

If it all weren’t so sad, it’d be funny. On second thought, this IS funny.


There are so many other topics I considered writing about this week. Topic Idea #1: Under GOP rule, the state of Arizona is rapidly becoming the worlds largest insane asylum. First it was the racist/xenophobic “Papers please” anti-immigration bill, followed by the AZ-GOP “Death Panel” that decided a new for-profit, privately run prison system was more important […]


April 18, 2011
Posted in: Middle East, Politics, Rants, Right-wing Facism, Right-Wing Insanity

Republican Deficit Hypocrisy


Few things in this world demonstrate the stark difference between Democrats and clueless, fiscally-insane Republicans than the issue of The National Debt. Of course, if you live in Republican BizzaroWorld, it’s the Democrats that are the fiscally irresponsible ones while it’s Republicans fighting the good fight to return us to fiscal sanity. Republicans are busy […]


April 11, 2011
Tags:  · Posted in: Economy, Money, Politics, Rants, Right-Wing Insanity, Taxes

Obama says “Get serious” about oil with energy plan that’s anything but.


On Wednesday, President Obama delivered his much anticipated Energy Policy speech, telling listeners that it was time to ‘get serious’ about our dependence on foreign oil. So, just what is the Obama Administration’s idea of “getting serious”? Reducing our current “11 million barrels a day” of oil imports “by one-third” by 2025. I don’t know about […]


April 4, 2011
Posted in: Economy, Energy Independence, Environment, Global Warming, Jobs, Money, Politics, Seems Obvious to Me, Taxes