Archive for March, 2014

Mom Near Death, my letter to the White House


I‘ve spoken to you several times over the past 10 months regarding my mother’s ongoing medical catastrophe. Last week, she had to be rushed to the hospital after developing pneumonia. After just five days, the hospital discharged her back to the nursing home. 22 hours later, she went into cardiac arrest and is now in extremely […]


March 31, 2014
Posted in: Crime, Greed, Healthcare, Right-Wing Insanity

Let’s Not Be So Quick to Vilify the Flight 370 Pilots Before the Facts Are In


I‘ve been quite bothered these past few weeks over the way everyone… both on the Right AND the Left… seems to be leaping to conclusions about what exactly happened to Malaysia Flight370 that disappeared without a trace nearly two weeks ago (as I write this, ships & spotter planes are racing to the Indian Ocean to examine what […]


March 24, 2014
Posted in: fake scandals, Predictions, Rants

Guest Op/Ed – Ukraine Crisis: Lessons Obama Should Learn


Recent events in Crimea carry political consequences in the United States, calling the Obama administration to action in response to Vladimir Putin’s show of strength in the region.  Already fettered by friction due to Edward Snowden being granted asylum by Russia last year, and noted diplomatic discord between Obama and Putin since they have shared […]


March 17, 2014
Posted in: fake scandals, Guest Blogger, National Security, Politics, rewriting history, War

Obama, Putin, and The Right’s Daddy Issues


Conservatives have “Daddy” issues. I’m not making a joke, I’m pointing out a demonstrative fact. For the past week, Republicans have been quick to express their admiration, if not outright praise, for “Vladamir Putin: Man of Action” for the way he (supposedly) bested President Obama (supposedly, once again) by invading the Crimean peninsula without any apparent concern for […]


March 10, 2014
Posted in: General, National Security, Partisanship, Politics, Rants, Right-Wing Insanity, War

You can always find another lunch counter, er, baker, florist


I‘m fairly convinced by this point that Conservatives just don’t listen to themselves when they speak. How else do you explain Fox’s George Will or ABC guest pundit Rich Lowrey decrying yesterday the veto of Arizona’s noxious “(bigotry in the name of) Religious Freedom Act”, saying, “Hey, if a baker or florist refuses to cater your gay wedding, […]


March 3, 2014
Posted in: fake scandals, General, Racism, Religion