Archive for April, 2016

Clinton Criticizes Sanders for Running the Campaign She Ran in 2008


Hillary Clinton’s 2008 campaign tactics & path looked and sounded very much like the campaign of Sanders whom she now condemns.


April 25, 2016
Posted in: Election, myth busting, Politics, rewriting history

STUNNING: If Super Delegates Were Apportioned, Clinton would only lead by 20 (UPDATE #2)


I didn’t trust the delegate numbers from “Meet the Press”, so I plugged them into a spreadsheet, and what I found was STUNNING!


April 6, 2016
Posted in: Election, myth busting, Politics, Scandals, Seems Obvious to Me, voting

Meet the Press’ Bad Delegate Math. Misstates delegate math suggesting Sanders can’t win


MtP claims that if Super Delegates were apportioned the way Bernie wants, he’d still be way behind, but their numbers are completely wrong.


April 4, 2016
Posted in: Election, General, mystery, myth busting, rewriting history