Archive for June, 2016
If Hillary Wants My Vote, here is what she must do.
How many times have Hillary supporters (and Hillary herself) tried to guilt Bernie supporters into voting for her simply to “Stop Trump”? Following up on last weeks’ unanswered question of how Bernie supporters could possibly be expected to vote for Hillary without rewarding the questionable tactics of the DNC to suppress support for Senator Sanders… be it […]
June 27, 2016
Posted in: Election, Partisanship, Politics, voting
How Does One Support Hillary without rewarding DNC misbehavior?
The Democratic Party took sides in the race from Day One and actively harmed the Sanders campaign. Now they want Sanders’ endorsement and the votes of his supporters offering NOTHING in return but threats & ridicule.
June 20, 2016
Posted in: Election, General, myth busting, Partisanship, Politics, Rants, Seems Obvious to Me, voting
Pro-Gun Supporters ALREADY Told Us They Don’t Need an Assault Weapon to Stop One
“If *I* had been in that (latest mass shooting location), *I* could have taken that guy out!” You’ve heard them too I’ll bet. Those chest-beating low-brow far Right gun nuts telling us how if THEY had been there with THEY would have taken their newly modified guns with the best upper parts for AR-15 rifles when […]
June 13, 2016
Posted in: Crime, Guns & Violence, myth busting, Right-Wing Insanity, Seems Obvious to Me, Terrorism
In Final Hours, DNC Election Misbehavior Runs Rampant
In the final months of the race for the Democratic nomination, we’ve seen the Democratic Party engage in a host of questionable voter-disenfranchisement practices in a clear attempt to seal a victory for Clinton prior to the Convention.
June 6, 2016
Posted in: Election, Partisanship, Politics, Rants, Scandals, voting