Archive for the ‘Crime’ Category

These “Religious Freedom” laws were the same counter argument to the 1965 Civil Rights Act


When the Johnson Administration pushed for equal rights for blacks in 1964, the Religious Right opposed the bill on the grounds that it was impinging on their rights. Their “religious” right to be a bigot. They claimed that The Almighty himself segregated the world by putting people of different races on different continents, and that forcing people […]


April 7, 2015
Posted in: Civil Rights, Crime, Politics, Racism, Religion

Where Is the Accusation of a CRIME to justify a Tax-Payer Funded Investigation into Hillary’s Emails?


Once again I find myself in the uncomfortable position of defending Hillary Clinton. Yesterday’s poli-talk shows all covered “Hillary Clinton’s emails” and the fact she didn’t turn over her personal private emails to the GOP controlled Congress for scrutiny. In fact Clinton freely admits that it was “probably a mistake to use just one email account” while […]


March 16, 2015
Posted in: Crime, Election, fake scandals, National Security, Partisanship, Politics, Right-Wing Hypocrisy, Scandals, Taxes

Dear Torture Advocates: Not only does it not work, it makes things worse.


On March 23, 2003… three days into the invasion of Iraq, Private Jessica Lynch was captured by Iraqi forces following an ambush of her convoy. Publicists in the Bush Administration spun an elaborate tail of how “Blood & Guts” Lynch fired her weapon “til she emptied her clip” of ammo (Lynch had actually done no such […]


December 15, 2014
Posted in: Crime, myth busting, National Security, Party of Life, Right-Wing Insanity, Scandals, Terrorism, War

Ferguson Police Chief vs Prosecutor: Who’s Lying (video)


A week ago Monday, St. Louis County prosecutor Robert McCulloch announced (with a disturbing grin on his face) that the Grand Jury had decided NOT to indict Officer Darren Wilson for the shooting death of unarmed 18 year old Michael Brown. After a lengthy (and strikingly rare & questionable) ridiculing of the veracity of witnesses for the […]


December 1, 2014
Posted in: Crime, General, Guns & Violence, myth busting, Racism, rewriting history, Scandals, Seems Obvious to Me

A Way To Fix the Immigation System (that no one will ever do.)


In the 1996 movie “Phenomenon”, John Travolta’s character couldn’t figure out for the life of him how a wild rabbit kept finding its way into his garden despite building a fence around it. Suspecting the rabbit was burrowing beneath the fence, he kept burying it deeper & deeper only to discover each morning that his plants were […]


November 24, 2014
Posted in: Crime, General, Immigration Reform, National Security, Racism, Seems Obvious to Me

Where Are the Anti-Police State Cliven Bundy Supporters on Behalf of Michael Brown?


Last April, Federal agents from the Bureau of Land Management (BLS) arrived at the home of Cliven Bundy, a cattle rancher that has been grazing his cattle on public land for the last 20 years without reimbursing the government for upkeep of that land, to evict his cattle from said public land and demand he pay the $1 […]


August 18, 2014
Posted in: Crime, Guns & Violence, Politics, Racism, Right-Wing Hypocrisy

The Botched Execution and The Party of Life


Last Tuesday, the state of Oklahoma began the process of executing two death row inmates by “lethal injection”, which is no longer a simple matter. The original drug cocktail necessary to do the job is no longer made and actual doctors have been banned from taking part in executions… the kind of deadly combination one might […]


May 5, 2014
Posted in: Crime, Party of Life, Rants, Right-wing Facism

Mom Near Death, my letter to the White House


I‘ve spoken to you several times over the past 10 months regarding my mother’s ongoing medical catastrophe. Last week, she had to be rushed to the hospital after developing pneumonia. After just five days, the hospital discharged her back to the nursing home. 22 hours later, she went into cardiac arrest and is now in extremely […]


March 31, 2014
Posted in: Crime, Greed, Healthcare, Right-Wing Insanity

Which Was Worse? Snowden’s Revelations or Cheney’s?


The latest big-reveal by self-proclaimed “whistle-blower” Edward Snowden over the weekend was the fact that the U.S. government has been using/abusing its electronic surveillance capabilities… intended to protect Americans from terrorism… for “industrial espionage” purposes, providing Corporate America with high-tech secrets from foreign corporations. Set aside for a moment the distasteful notion that we are abusing a massive […]


January 27, 2014
Posted in: Crime, National Security, Politics, Scandals

Guest Blogger: A Degree Of Civilization; The American Prison System


“The degree of civilization in a society may be judged by entering it’s prisons” ~ Dostoevsky Pop quiz, kids: Which nation has more of it’s populace imprisoned than any other country on earth? Nope, it’s not China. It’s not Russia either. Cuba? Good guess but they’re number five. According to Wikipedia (which has it’s problems […]


January 20, 2014
Posted in: Crime, Greed, Guest Blogger, Money, Taxes

Why the Chris Christie Bridge Scandal Matters


Whether NJ Governor Chris Christie actually ordered the closure of three out of the four outgoing lanes of the busiest bridge in the world is almost besides the point now. I’ll assume you already know the story rather than rehash it here. Last Thursday, Christie held a two hour Mea Culpa where he basically told everyone how […]


January 13, 2014
Posted in: Crime, Election, General, Politics, Scandals

A Liberal Look: Snowden No Hero

In 1992, the short-lived ABC investigative news program “Primetime Live”, following up on reports by former employees, revealed that national grocery chain “Food Lion” was engaging in “cost cutting measures” that included cleaning old food that had already been tossed in the dumpster (eg: cutting off the discolored spots on broccoli), washing expired meat with bleach and […]

January 6, 2014
Posted in: Crime, Rants, Scandals, Seems Obvious to Me, Unconstitutional