Archive for September, 2011
The Republic of Inequalstan invades Planet Mahers
During a recent campaign stop, Mitt Romney was asked about President Obama’s “Buffett Plan”, calling for “a minimum tax on the rich”. Romney’s response was to criticize the plan as “Class warfare” (natch), adding, “I want everyone to be rich!” Bill Maher made the observation on his show, “Real Time”, last week, “if everyone were a millionaire, […]
September 26, 2011
Posted in: Economy, Money, Politics, Taxes
Ten Ways President Obama Can Revive the Economy and Create Jobs TODAY Without Spending ONE DIME
Don’t forget to vote for your favorites below! One month ago, I asked for your ideas to jumpstart the economy at little to no cost. Everyone (even President Obama now) recognizes the fact that Republicans are more interested in spending the next 14 months making sure President Obama loses HIS job than helping unemployed Americans find one […]
September 19, 2011
Posted in: Economy, Election, Infrastructure, Jobs, Politics, Seems Obvious to Me, Taxes
The TRUE Legacy of 9/11 is the failure of Conservatism.
I must have mulled over a dozen different ways to commemorate the 10th Anniversary of 9/11 here on Mugsy’s Rap Sheet. Back on the first anniversary, I created a “Tribute video” that was mostly news clips from that day showing both towers being hit and smoking wreckage at the Pentagon & Shanksville. But I decided we’ve all […]
September 11, 2011
Posted in: Economy, General, Middle East, Racism, Religion, Terrorism, War
ATTENTION WHITE HOUSE: Regulations CREATE jobs. Stop believing the RW lie.
MYTH BUSTING This week, the Obama Administration angered a LOT of Progressive Democrats by announcing that they would delay pending new EPA clean-air regulations until 2013 in the name of “jobs”. Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) even encouraged environmentalists to sue the White House over it. Conservatives hailed this as a victory for business, declaring that “finally, President Obama […]
September 8, 2011
Posted in: Economy, Jobs, myth busting, Politics
ACTION ALERT: 5,000 SIGNATURES for “Green Jobs Tomorrow Fast and Cheap”.
ACTION ALERT The White House announced on September 1st that they “will consider any petition that gets 5,000 signatures”. So I dashed off the following petition: Green jobs TOMORROW, fast & cheap. Here’s how. The fiction that “tax cuts create jobs” needs to be put to bed once and for all. After ten years of […]
September 2, 2011
Posted in: Economy, Energy Independence, Environment, Global Warming, Jobs