Archive for April, 2014
Maybe Howard Dean Was Right on Affirmative Action?
On January 15, 2003, President Bush stopped by the University of Michigan while campaigning for re-election. UMich had recently implemented new state restrictions on the use of race when deciding just who they’d admit enrollment to, and he condemned Affirmative Action measures as “a quota system”. Democratic presidential frontrunner Howard Dean later condemned President Bush’s remarks for injecting race […]
April 28, 2014
Posted in: General, Racism, Seems Obvious to Me
Putin Response to Snowden on Domestic Spying Sounds Awfully Familiar
(Just a quick observation as I type this up Easter Evening.) Pseudo-patriot Edward Snowden made an appearance on Russian TV last Thursday and given the opportunity to ask President Putin what I’m certain he believed was an uncomfortable question about domestic spying. He flopped, of course. But all I could think about was how Putin’s response […]
April 21, 2014
Posted in: National Security, Politics, Rants, Right-wing Facism, Seems Obvious to Me, Unconstitutional
Ukraine in Chaos. Could Syria Become a Proxy War?
Ukraine exploded in violence last week. At the same time, a chemical gas attack against rebels may or may not have been committed by Syria (we must consider the possibility that some psychotic and/or desperate rebel faction/individual released a homemade chemical weapon against their own people in order to draw the U.S. into the Syrian conflict (now […]
April 14, 2014
Posted in: Middle East, National Security, Predictions, Right-Wing Insanity, War
These people are dangerous, and they’re costing lives
As I predicted last Monday, this was a bad week. Mom passed away Friday morning as I sat at her hospital bedside, holding her hand for 61 minutes after they switched off the ventilator and I slowly watched my mother’s heart rate fall to zero. It was agonizing, and a trauma I hope none of my readers ever have to […]
April 7, 2014
Posted in: fake scandals, Middle East, myth busting, National Security, Politics, Scandals, Terrorism