Archive for October, 2015

Dr Carson Revives Dangerous “Health Savings Account” Zombie from 2012


I have a long standing rule not to criticize truly awful GOP Primary candidates when they are winning. “When your opponent(s) are digging themselves into a hole, the only thing you should hand them is a shovel.” I’m going to break that rule this week because Dr. Ben Carson has decided to bring back a dangerous (and arguably […]


October 26, 2015
Posted in: Economy, Election, fake scandals, Greed, Healthcare, Money, myth busting, Politics, Right-Wing Insanity

Obama Extends The Longest War in U.S. History. Here’s How to End It


Last week, President Obama was forced to reluctantly concede that the War in Afghanistan was not going to end on his watch as hoped. One of his first acts upon entering office in 2009 was to send an additional 30,000 troops into Afghanistan (Side note: Republicans blame the continued fighting in Iraq on President Obama withdrawing our […]


October 19, 2015
Posted in: Infrastructure, Middle East, National Security, Seems Obvious to Me, Terrorism, War

Same People Telling Us More Guns Is Solution to Gun Violence Have Given Us 15 years of War in Mid East


WHILE President Obama was en route to Oregon to meet with families of the last mass school shooting at Umpqua Community College, TWO MORE school shootings took place, one at Northern Arizona University (one dead, three wounded) and one at Texas Southern University (one dead, one wounded). And as I pointed out last week, all the GOP candidates […]


October 12, 2015
Posted in: Crime, Election, Guns & Violence, Middle East, National Security, Party of Life, Politics, Racism, Religion, Right-Wing Insanity, Seems Obvious to Me, Terrorism, War

GOP Perpetuating Deadly Myth States with Strictest Gun Laws Have the Worst Crime


Both Donald Trump and Chris Christie yesterday repeated a popular (and long debunked) Right-Wing myth that “states with the strictest gun laws have the worst crime”, and BOTH men cited the great state of “Chicago” as their “proof”. I wish I could simply say, “No, the exact opposite is true”, but it’s not that simple. […]


October 5, 2015
Posted in: Crime, Election, Guns & Violence, myth busting, Politics