Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category

Mugsy’s Pre-Debate Analysis: Four Candidates. Zero Winners.


Four candidates are left in the presidential race and all four have serious judgement issues that renders them ill-equipped to lead the most powerful nation on Earth. Most depressing of all is that one of them will win. At this point, all that is left is to hope the Congress elected along side them ensure […]


September 26, 2016
Posted in: Election, Politics, Rants

Friday FBI Doc Dump on Email Investigation Reinforces Belief Clinton’s Play By Own Rules


The latest revelations about the FBI investigation into Secretary Clinton’s emails shows someone who took unnecessary risks & failed to acquaint herself with procedure. Definitely not a first for the Clinton’s.


September 5, 2016
Posted in: Crime, Election, Politics, Rants, Scandals

Trump is the Living Embodiment of Plato’s ‘Republic’


In Plato’s most famous novel “Republic”, he used the technique of magnifying small problems to reveal their true nature. Trump IS that magnification of the GOP.


August 22, 2016
Posted in: Election, General, mystery, Politics, Right-Wing Insanity, Seems Obvious to Me

Lack of Quid Pro Quo Doesn’t Make Soliciting Donations to Clinton Foundation Ethical or Legal


Newly leaked “deleted” Clinton emails suggest she may have solicited donations to her Foundation while she was Secretary of State, which may be a crime.


August 15, 2016
Posted in: Election, mystery, Politics, Scandals

Someone at the DNC needs to go to jail. If the Clinton campaign wants Sanders voters, they must.


Wikileaks revealed that the DNC actively undermined the Sanders campaign and likely disenfranchised *millions* of voters, yet all the Media… led by the Clinton campaign… is focused on is “who did the leaking” with no concern for the revelations themselves. That misbehavior DEMANDS prosecution to ensure the integrity of future elections.


August 1, 2016
Posted in: Crime, Election, myth busting, Partisanship, Politics, Scandals, voting

Media FINALLY concedes DNC pro-Clinton bias ten months after Sanders supporters pointed it out.


The Media is acting “shocked” by Friday’s WikiLeaks revelation that the DNC actively took steps to assist the Clinton campaign over those of her rivals, but this was news to NO ONE, going back nearly a full year.


July 25, 2016
Posted in: Election, Partisanship, Politics, Scandals

Why Sanders Endorsement of Hillary is Smart, maybe even brilliant


Last week, Senator Bernie Sanders “finally” endorsed Hillary Clinton, much to the dismay of millions of Sanders supporters, but it was the smart… possibly even brilliant… thing to do, and my advice to him (as a Sanders supporter) is to do more of it. If I were Bernie, I’d be out there every day in support of […]


July 18, 2016
Posted in: Election, Politics

If Hillary Wants My Vote, here is what she must do.


How many times have Hillary supporters (and Hillary herself) tried to guilt Bernie supporters into voting for her simply to “Stop Trump”? Following up on last weeks’ unanswered question of how Bernie supporters could possibly be expected to vote for Hillary without rewarding the questionable tactics of the DNC to suppress support for Senator Sanders… be it […]


June 27, 2016
Posted in: Election, Partisanship, Politics, voting

How Does One Support Hillary without rewarding DNC misbehavior?


The Democratic Party took sides in the race from Day One and actively harmed the Sanders campaign. Now they want Sanders’ endorsement and the votes of his supporters offering NOTHING in return but threats & ridicule.


June 20, 2016
Posted in: Election, General, myth busting, Partisanship, Politics, Rants, Seems Obvious to Me, voting

In Final Hours, DNC Election Misbehavior Runs Rampant


In the final months of the race for the Democratic nomination, we’ve seen the Democratic Party engage in a host of questionable voter-disenfranchisement practices in a clear attempt to seal a victory for Clinton prior to the Convention.


June 6, 2016
Posted in: Election, Partisanship, Politics, Rants, Scandals, voting

Is Hillary a Closet Republican? Her record would suggest so.


It’s a case I’ve been making since she ran against Obama in 2008: Hillary has this unfathomable, almost desperate, need to seek the approval of Republicans. Her first instinct on every issue is to align with Conservatives… especially on issues of National Defense… only to reverse course later when disapproval from Democrats proves inconvenient. Honestly, I believe […]


May 30, 2016
Posted in: Election, Money, mystery, Politics, Seems Obvious to Me

Stop Trying to Save Your Drug-Addicted Child, because: Math. Responding to Clinton supporters


Hillary supporters who cite “numbers” or “process” trying to convince Sanders supporters to just “give up” don’t get it. This is about saving Democracy itself from the 1-percent.


May 23, 2016
Posted in: Election, Money, Partisanship, Politics