Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category

CNN Poll: 51 Percent of Hillary Vote is Just Anti-Trump. What happens if Romney goes indie?


Republicans are actively courting Mitt Romney to run as an Independent just as a new poll reveals more than half of Clinton’s support comes from the “anti-Trump” vote.


May 9, 2016
Posted in: Election, Politics, Predictions

Why a Sanders Victory is More Likely than Hillary


All explanations for an inevitable Clinton victory in November hinge on how BAD Donald Trump will do, NOT how much better of a candidate she is.


May 2, 2016
Posted in: Election, General, myth busting, Politics, Rants, Seems Obvious to Me

Clinton Criticizes Sanders for Running the Campaign She Ran in 2008


Hillary Clinton’s 2008 campaign tactics & path looked and sounded very much like the campaign of Sanders whom she now condemns.


April 25, 2016
Posted in: Election, myth busting, Politics, rewriting history

STUNNING: If Super Delegates Were Apportioned, Clinton would only lead by 20 (UPDATE #2)


I didn’t trust the delegate numbers from “Meet the Press”, so I plugged them into a spreadsheet, and what I found was STUNNING!


April 6, 2016
Posted in: Election, myth busting, Politics, Scandals, Seems Obvious to Me, voting

Trump’s Antics Only Helping Ted Cruz Look Reasonable By Comparison


Trump’s antics and violence at his rallies are only making Ted Cruz look like a reasonable alternative.


March 14, 2016
Posted in: Election, Politics, Racism, Religion, Right-wing Facism, Right-Wing Insanity

Are Republicans Responsible For Hillary’s Huge Wins in Deep Red Primary States? UPDATED


Why is Bernie winning caucus states by double digits, but Hillary is winning almost exclusively Deep Red *primary* states by huge margins?


March 7, 2016
Posted in: Election, mystery, Politics, Scandals, voting

Why I Support Bernie. A long and consistent record as a Progressive champion


A follow-up to my Op/Ed citing Hillary Clinton’s weaknesses, this week providing a lengthy list of reasons to support Bernie Sanders.


February 22, 2016
Posted in: Civil Rights, Crime, Economy, Election, Money, myth busting, Politics, Seems Obvious to Me

Republicans Are Right. Delay nomination of Scalia’s successor


I can’t remember the last time I said this and may never say it again, so listen up: REPUBLICANS ARE RIGHT. We should delay replacing Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia until after the election. I know how heretical that may sound, but bear with me for a moment while I explain and you may even agree. The magnitude […]


February 15, 2016
Posted in: Election, Politics, Seems Obvious to Me

Cruz Comfortably Beats Trump in Iowa. Dems still too close to call. Suspicious Clinton bounce repealed.


Going into the wee hours of the morning, I was watching Hillary Clinton’s delegate lead shrink all night, when around 9pm CST, with 18% of precincts left to go, leading by only 11 delegates, the Clinton campaign declared victory despite all the pollsters saying it was “too close to call.” Her lead continued to shrink with every update. By […]


February 2, 2016
Posted in: Election, General, Politics, Predictions, voting

Amid Record Low Oil and Gas, Trump Says Keystone XL Needed ‘Desperately’. Then threatens to reject it


Donald Trump called not building the Keystone XL pipeline “devastating”. To who? With a glut in the Market and domestic oil jobs being lost, do we NEED more oil?


January 25, 2016
Posted in: Economy, Election, Energy Independence, Jobs, Money, myth busting, Politics, Right-Wing Insanity

Republicans Bemoan Obama’s Iran Hostage Deal. But Republican presidents fared FAR worse


Following last weeks release of 10 servicemen and 5 civilians from Iranian custody in only a matter of hours, Republicans were quick to condemn Obama for showing weakness. But Reagan & both Bushes did the same with worse results.


January 18, 2016
Posted in: myth busting, National Security, Partisanship, Politics, rewriting history, Terrorism

Ingraham asks, “When have Republicans EVER obstructed President Obama?”


“They have been his best friend! What are you talking about?”, chuckled Conservative radio host Laura Ingraham during Fox “news” Sunday yesterday when Juan Williams said “This [Republican] Congress has relentlessly obstructed President Obama on everything!” “Where have they obstructed Obama?” she demanded incredulously. No, I didn’t make that up. Much to the chagrin of […]


January 11, 2016
Posted in: myth busting, Partisanship, Politics, rewriting history, Right-Wing Insanity, Unconstitutional