Archive for December, 2011

Mugsy’s predictions for 2012: “The apocalypse never comes when you want it” Edition (UPDATED)


Where to start? Every year since 2006 I’ve dug deep into my toy-chest, pulled out the turban from my “Ancient Secrets Magic Kit”, rubbed my lucky penny for good luck, and concocted my annual “Predictions for the coming year”. And by the end of that year, I always expect to find I did really poorly… but my […]


December 26, 2011
Posted in: Economy, Election, Healthcare, Jobs, Middle East, Money, Politics, Predictions, Racism, Religion, Taxes, War

SPECIAL REPORT: PolitiFact, and the problem of “false equivalency”


[PopUpFad=GROUP=widget:RANDOM=NO:SESSION=NO] SPECIAL REPORT: After a flurry of controversy erupted over “Politifact” rating the Democratic claim that the “Ryan Plan will kill Medicare” as their “Lie of the Year”, I went looking to see if agreed. They do (link below). BUT… in their explanation, they concede that “starting in 2022, people would be required to […]


December 23, 2011
Posted in: General, Politics, Rants

The List II: Santorum, Huntsman, and The Rest.


This week raps up our review of the remaining “also-rans” in the GOP primary… the candidates that have never polled out of the single digits and never will: former Senator Rick “Don’t Google My Name” Santorum of PA (Oops! Shortly after posting this op/ed, Santorum became the last “Not-Romney” standing to finally break out of the single-digits into the Top Tier […]


December 22, 2011
Posted in: Economy, Election, Energy Independence, Environment, Global Warming, Healthcare, Jobs, Middle East, Money, Politics, Racism, Religion, Taxes, War

The List II: The Strange Case of Dr. Ron Paul.


It is extremely difficult to summarize the very complex platform of Texas Rep. Dr. Ron Paul without getting too deep into the weeds as to why he’s often a clueless… even dangerous… presidential candidate that no one should ever seriously consider voting for. The Texas Libertarian is extremely popular among young voters (mostly Conservative & […]


December 19, 2011
Posted in: Economy, Election, Global Warming, Healthcare, Jobs, Middle East, Money, myth busting, Politics, Racism, Taxes, Unconstitutional, War

The List II: Rick Perry


Dumb. No other word better sums up Texas Governor and “George W Bush wannabe” Gov. Rick “Good Hair” Perry. Not just ANY kind of dumb, but that special kind of Palin-dumb found only amongst rural Evangelical governors from oil-producing states. This is a man that threatened Texas might secede from the union if Congress passed “ObamaCare”. And the reason […]


December 15, 2011
Posted in: Economy, Election, Energy Independence, Environment, Infrastructure, Politics

The List II: Michele Bachmann


Everybody knows someone like Michele Bachmann. The “Tall Tale” teller, the “Everyone’s out to get you” paranoid, or the Bible-thumper that throws a screaming hissy-fit if you dare challenge their beliefs. But how many of us know all-three rolled into one? Long-time readers know I can’t refer to Michele Bachmann without the obligatory “BSC*” suffix after […]


December 12, 2011
Posted in: Economy, Election, Energy Independence, Environment, Global Warming, Healthcare, Jobs, Middle East, Money, Politics, Racism, Religion, Right-Wing Insanity, Taxes, Terrorism, War

The List II: Newt Gingrich


This weeks “List” tackles former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich. I’ve made no secret of my distaste for the former Speaker over the years. In fact, among all the GOP candidates, I don’t think I have a more visceral dislike of anyone more than “Professor” Newt Gingrich. Even BSC* Michele Bachmann and Rick “Don’t Google My Name” Santorum, who […]


December 8, 2011
Posted in: Economy, Election, Energy Independence, Environment, General, Global Warming, Healthcare, Jobs, Middle East, Money, Politics, Racism, Religion, Right-Wing Insanity, Taxes

The List II: Mitt Romney


(Attention: With Ron Paul’s pseudo-concession of the race to Romney [May 14th], I have moved this List to its own page linked on the Toolbar above. For the latest updates, please view that version instead. – Mugsy) Welcome to our first installment of “The List II”: An archive of links to comments, stated policies/agendas, misconduct, hypocrisy […]


December 5, 2011
Posted in: Economy, Election, Energy Independence, Environment, Global Warming, Guns & Violence, Healthcare, Jobs, Middle East, Politics, Right-Wing Insanity, Taxes, Terrorism, War