Archive for June, 2015

Beginning of the End for Religious Bigotry Laws


Last weeks’ historic Supreme Court ruling declaring no legal basis to justify discrimination against Same-Sex couples was condemned by every single GOP presidential hopeful (sans Rand Paul who has a history of waiting to test the political mood before commenting on controversial issues) as being in violation of “religious liberty” laws protecting the right of bigots to […]


June 29, 2015
Posted in: Civil Rights, Partisanship, Predictions, Religion, Seems Obvious to Me, Unconstitutional

Let’s Face Facts: Spike in violence against Blacks tied to Right Wing hostility toward Obama


After news broke of the mass murder of nine African-American members of the AME Church of Charleston, SC last Thursday, the “discovery” that the shooter was a Confederate Flag waving racist gun nut, surprised no one. What WAS surprising was the lengths to which Fox “news” went to to suggest that this might have been an attack on […]


June 22, 2015
Posted in: Crime, Guns & Violence, myth busting, Party of Life, Politics, Racism, Rants, Religion, Seems Obvious to Me, Terrorism


There are three ways you can pay your property taxes through your bank or financial institution. We suggest contacting a tax preparation company to get all the details. You can visit here to get the best discount! What to do with the money Once you pay your taxes, your money is safe. The process for […]


June 18, 2015
Posted in: Politics

STUNNING VIDEO: Iraqi soldiers say if US sends more troops, “We’ll fight them too!”


Iraqi soldiers: “If Obama sends more troops to fight ISIS, we’ll fight ISIS AND the Americans!” (2:48) [flv: 512 288] The full clip shows what a chaotic mess Iraq has become since the 2003 invasion. Not just from the constant fighting, but with the rise of Islamic militancy (women completely covered, schools closed, Christians […]


June 15, 2015
Posted in: Election, Middle East, National Security, Politics, rewriting history, Right-Wing Insanity, Terrorism, War

Iraqis Showing the Route to Peace/Progress with Massive Infrastructure Project?


After 12 years of war, Iraq may be showing America and the rest of the world the path to peace: Iraqi’s are building an entire city, Bismayah, just outside Baghdad. The massive infrastructure project has already created hundreds (thousands?) of new construction jobs (and hundreds more tangential jobs, related and non to construction) and once […]


June 8, 2015
Posted in: General, Infrastructure, Jobs, Middle East, National Security, Right-Wing Insanity, Seems Obvious to Me, War

Hastert Bribery Scandal Belies Troubling Question: Coach turned Politician turned Lobbyist has Millions in bank?


It’s the question everyone started to ask once the news that former Speaker of the House Denny Hastert was in the process of paying out millions in hush money” to a former male student claiming he “sexually molested him decades ago”: Where in the heck did a former High School wrestling coach turned Congressman turned Speaker of the House come […]


June 1, 2015
Posted in: Crime, mystery, Politics, Right-Wing Hypocrisy, Scandals