Archive for October, 2016

The Most Frightening Thing This Election is that One Of Them Will Win


Happy Halloween. And with the latest round of “scandals” ping-ponging between the candidates each week (Trump’s sexual misconduct, now Hillary’s emails), the more I dread what’s in store for us over the next four years (notice I did NOT say “four to eight” years.) Last February, despite being an enthusiastic Bernie supporter, I conceded that if the choice […]


October 31, 2016
Posted in: Election, Politics, Predictions, Rants

Could 1990 Texas Governors Race Foretell a Surprise Win for Hillary There?


The 1990 race for governor of Texas bears an eerie similarity to the Clinton/Trump race as the two are now statistically tied to win the Lone Star State, possibly foretelling a surprise Clinton upset.


October 24, 2016
Posted in: Election, Partisanship, Politics, Right-Wing Insanity, Scandals

Increasingly Unhinged, Trump Preps Supporters for Epic Loss with Talk of Election Rigging


In final days of his campaign, Trump complains “the system is rigged” rather than express optimism for a surprise victory.


October 17, 2016
Posted in: Election, myth busting, Right-Wing Insanity, Scandals, voting

BREAKING: Major Party Candidates are Duplicitous Frauds. Oh, and we’re all screwed


There’s an old saying that “character” is who you are in private when no one is looking. Last week, WikiLeaks released thousands of emails belonging to Clinton campaign advisor John Podesta revealing (among other things) that what Clinton was telling cheering fans at her rallies or denying in those contentious televised debates was not what she […]


October 10, 2016
Posted in: Election, Partisanship, Politics, Rants, Scandals

Smart Businessmen don’t Lose a Billion Dollars, Mr Trump


According to Rudy Giuliani across several Sunday shows yesterday, the possibility Donald Trump may not have paid any income taxes for 18 years because he ran his company into the ground in 1995 makes him “a genius!”. Seriously. I’m not making that up. The former NYC mayor repeatedly defended the possibility that Trump may have paid absolutely nothing in […]


October 3, 2016
Posted in: Election, Greed, Money, mystery, myth busting, Taxes