Archive for June, 2012

Video: The Mythical Mandate (UPDATE! I was right)


Just a brief update before tomorrow’s Supreme Court ruling on The Affordable Care Act. As MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell pointed out last night, if the High Court rules “ObamaCare” unconstitutional because of a “mandate”, then they did so based upon SOMETHING THAT DOES NOT EXIST:   [flv: 500 276] As O’Donnell points out, the “fine” for […]


June 27, 2012
Posted in: Healthcare, myth busting, Politics, Unconstitutional

Will Supreme Court Rule that the Republican Solution for Health Care Reform Was Unconstitutional?


Last week, lots of things were supposed to happen that didn’t, and plenty of things that shouldn’t of happened, did (like the GOP making a mockery of Congress’ power to levy charges against the Executive Branch for political gain… again). There was no update here on MaRS (my new shorthand for “Mugsy’s Rap Sheet”. Like it?) the day after Father’s Day, and […]


June 25, 2012
Posted in: Economy, Healthcare, myth busting, Politics, Right-Wing Insanity, Unconstitutional

SPECIAL EDITION: Remember when President Bush THOUGHT he was being disrespected by a reporter?


SPECIAL EDITION: Just a quick note while it’s still fresh. On Friday in the presidential Rose Garden, President Obama was interrupted by a young “reporter” from the Rightwing blog, The Daily Caller: Not only did he interrupt the President while he was speaking, but then argued with him on his comment afterwards. The president handled […]


June 16, 2012
Posted in: Election, General, Politics, Rants

Is Obama Finally Starting to Get It? “Doing fine” gaffe result of push back on public layoffs


Probably the biggest fake news last week was President Obama’s feux pas saying “the private sector is doing fine”. When you watch the full response in which the comment was made, it was clear (to me anyway) that he was saying, “In comparison to the 14 straight months of job losses in the Public sector”, the 27 straight […]


June 11, 2012
Posted in: Economy, Election, Jobs, Politics

The Reason I’m Not Buying the Wisconsin Recall Results


Just a brief note on last night’s recall election in Wisconsin. Why I don’t trust the results and you shouldn’t either: I planned on staying up late last night watching the returns of the Wisconsin Recall Election of Gov. Scott Walker go on into the night. So you can imagine my shock when the first […]


June 6, 2012
Posted in: Election, Rants

Some rants: JobsJobsJobs, Oil, Hypocrisy and My Integrity (UPDATED)


There was so much going on last week, that I couldn’t pick a single topic to focus on. First off was (of course) the dismal jobs report for May released last week. Republicans were quick to pounce on the disappointing figures, pointing to it was “PROOF!” that President Obama’s economic policies are a failure. Also, […]


June 4, 2012
Posted in: Economy, Election, Energy Independence, Environment, Jobs, Money, Politics, Rants, Taxes