Conway Admits Trump Told of Russian Hacking in JANUARY yet continued to deny. Pushed to ease sanctions.
June 26, 2017
It was a bit like hearing someone mention in passing that “little green men” are advising Trump on foreign policy and thinking nothing of it. Yesterday/Sunday, the Trump administration allowed adviser KellyAnn Conway out of whatever box they’ve been hiding her in ever since she coined the term “Alternative facts” during reality the fact Russia DID indeed attempt to hack
Here is the passing remark made by Conway during ABC’s ThisWeek that caused my eyes to bulge out of my head:
WHAT??? Trump was not only informed of the hacking five months ago, but acknowledged it as both true and serious, yet not only continued to deny it, but even worked to REWARD them for it???
How is that not a scandal?
Ask yourself WHY would a president actively try to convince Americans that something “didn’t happen” that he himself already acknowledged months before to be true? Not only that, but then go on to actively try to reduce… or possibly lift entirely… sanctions that were imposed upon Russia as punishment for doing so?
Tell me again how the investigation into possible Trump/Russia collusion is
I have continued to update my List of Trump’s Russia Ties since it was published last March. Since then, I have added more than TWENTY additional links (in addition to the more than dozen original links) between the Trump campaign and Russian officials/representatives. STILL, people ask “where’s the evidence of collusion?” (The next big line of defense to listen for:
Defenders of Trump and/or Russia have little to no credibility. Present them with evidence, and their reaction is to simply dismiss it out-of-hand. But provide a link to a partisan hack with zero credibility defending Trump by citing something out of context, and THAT’S gospel. I group
James Clapper, former Director of National Intelligence testified on May 8th that he “can’t comment” on whether or not he has seen evidence linking Trump to Russia because it “impacts an [active] investigation.” Before FBI Director James Comey was fired, he asked for more resources to investigate Trump’s Russian business ties and had started receiving briefings on those ties daily instead of just weekly. Trump had already previously fired two people with the power to investigate him: Preet Bharara, NY State Attorney in charge of investigating NYC/Wall Street financial crimes, and acting Attorney General Sally Yates… who informed Trump his National Security Director (Mike Flynn) lied about his ties to
If Hillary Clinton had won the election and was accused of these same acts, is there ANY doubt Republicans would already be drafting
…It’s grounds for impeachment.
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June 26, 2017
· Admin Mugsy · No Comments - Add
Tags: admitted, conceeded, continued to deny, hacking, impeach, lie, Putin, Russia, Russian, Trump · Posted in: Crime, Election, mystery, myth busting, National Security, Partisanship, Politics, Rants, rewriting history, Right-wing Facism, Right-Wing Insanity, Scandals, Seems Obvious to Me
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