Evidence Emerges Russia Meddled in #Brexit As Well (just as I speculated last April)
Sorry conspiracy theorists, but the evidence continues to mount that Russian meddling took place across Europe as well.
November 27, 2017
Tags: Brexit, Cameron, election, France, hacking, Le Pen, Macron, meddle, meddling, Russia, Russian, Teressa May, Trump · Posted in: Crime, mystery, myth busting, National Security, Politics, Predictions, rewriting history, Right-Wing Insanity, Scandals
Conway Admits Trump Told of Russian Hacking in JANUARY yet continued to deny. Pushed to ease sanctions.
Conway reveals Trump was told about and acknowledged Russian hacking last January. So why was he still sowing seeds of doubt as recently as last week?
June 26, 2017
Tags: admitted, conceeded, continued to deny, hacking, impeach, lie, Putin, Russia, Russian, Trump · Posted in: Crime, Election, mystery, myth busting, National Security, Partisanship, Politics, Rants, rewriting history, Right-wing Facism, Right-Wing Insanity, Scandals, Seems Obvious to Me