Archive for the ‘Election’ Category

The Failure of Success. The success of failure.


As I type this, Hurricane Irene is battering the Northeastern coast, leaving 15 35 people dead and more than a million homes without power. Governors of BOTH parties have been praising the response of FEMA… who was already dealing with the rare East coast earthquake from the week before. And in the middle of this mess, GOP Presidential […]


August 29, 2011
Posted in: Election, Environment, General, Global Warming, Money, Politics, Right-Wing Insanity, Taxes

What’s the Big Idea? I want your best ideas for growing the economy.


As you may know, I spend every Sunday morning enduring watching three back-to-back hours of Sunday political talk shows: “Fox ‘news’ Sunday”, “Meet the Press”, and ABC’s “ThisWeek”. Yesterday’s shows were particularly tough to endure, having to listen to the likes of Karl “CIA name-leaker” Rove lecture Democrat Bill Burton about assigning “motives” or “questioning the integrity of Republicans” […]


August 22, 2011
Posted in: Economy, Election, Money, Politics, Seems Obvious to Me, Taxes

Are you better off now than you were just six months ago?


Six moths ago, the Tea Party was heralding their sweeping gains in the 2010 election, taking control of the House and gaining seats in the Senate. Republicans ran on a platform of “Jobs, Jobs, Jobs!”, the Right-of-Right Tea Party caucus promised to “cut out-of-control Federal Spending.” Ronald Reagan was the first to ask the question: “Are […]


August 8, 2011
Posted in: Economy, Election, Jobs, Politics

Can I stop shaking my head now? A return to GOP Bizarroland


After the week we’ve just had, if I shake my head anymore, I fear it might fall off. The Rick Perry Myth-a-palooza continued for another week as Sunday-show after Sunday-show continued to repeat the “37%” jobs-claim as “fact”, Congressman Weiner… who committed no crime other than being a Douchebag… was hounded out of office by […]


June 20, 2011
Posted in: Economy, Election, Jobs, Money, myth busting, Politics, Taxes

The New “Texas Miracle”? GOP pushing questionable Perry job-creation meme (UPDATED)


(Authors Note: I need to recompute these numbers using data going back to January of 2009 and not just April of 2010, so please do not reference my estimates for 2009 until I’ve done so in a later post. Also, please check the bottom of this post for UPDATES. In the meantime, here are some […]


June 13, 2011
Posted in: Economy, Election, Jobs, myth busting, Politics

It’s the price of gas, Stupid! – plus, Where is the Republican job legislation?


On Friday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics announced that unemployment was “up” for the month of May, that a paltry 54,000 jobs were created, and unemployment rose to 9.1%. Republicans raced to the microphones to condemn President Obama’s economic policies as an abject failure. Mitt Romney said President Obama inherited a Recession (a surprising admission) “and […]


June 6, 2011
Posted in: Economy, Election, Jobs, Money, Politics, Taxes

The Sin of O’Mission


Let’s make one thing perfectly clear: I’m a supporter of President Obama. And if he is the DNC nominee in 2012, I will be voting for him… a tad reluctantly, I will admit. But he will have my vote. With that being said, few (real) Democrats have frustrated me the way President Obama has. During […]


May 2, 2011
Posted in: Election, Politics, Racism, Right-Wing Insanity

Defending Myself, condemning the indefensible.


Most people know me from one of two places: either my YouTube page or from my weekly reporting of the Sunday Morning Talkshows over at Crooks & Liars. At the end of all my posts is the following tagline: Final Bush tally: 10,300+ DEAD (3,000 on 9/11. 4,500 in Iraq, 1000 in Afg. 1,800 in […]


February 28, 2011
Tags:  · Posted in: Election, Healthcare, Politics, Rants, War

Who Coulda Seen THAT Coming? Mugsy’s Predictions for 2011


Well, it’s that time of year again (I’m sorry, but there’s just no other way to open a column like this with reusing the same tired old intro), when we look back upon ill-fated predictions of the past and finish up with our Predictions for 2011. The coming year will be interesting as it kicks […]


December 27, 2010
Tags: , , ,  · Posted in: Economy, Election, Healthcare, Politics, Predictions, Taxes, War

President Obama seeks to secure his 2012 defeat.


President Obama announced to the White House Press Corp Tuesday morning that he is urging Democrats in Congress to cave in to the tyranny of the minority and agree to extend the Bush Tax Cuts for the Top 2% for two more years (ie: the year he leaves office) in exchange for a one-year extension […]


December 8, 2010
Posted in: Economy, Election, Infrastructure, Money, Politics, Rants, Taxes

Conservatives just discovering concerns Democrats had for decades


Living in Texas (a purpleish red-state), I talk to a lot of Conservatives… be they friends or family… on a near daily basis. And while I know I’m on solid footing when it comes to my positions, the Conservatives in my life certainly do a great job of keeping me honest. Over Thanksgiving, one could […]


November 29, 2010
Posted in: Economy, Election, General, Politics, Rants, Right-Wing Insanity

Some thoughts on ‘Compromise’.


The latest post-election polls all say that “3 out of 4 voters want Congress to compromise” to get things done faster. Brilliant move then voting in some of the most uncompromising partisan ideologues in American history. We’re BOUND to see things start movin’ now! (grumble… morons… grumble). When Republicans say they want ‘compromise‘, what they […]


November 22, 2010
Posted in: Economy, Election, Money, Politics, Taxes