Archive for September, 2012

“Voter ID” Supporters: Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is.


September 26, 2012
Posted in: Crime, Election, Politics, Racism, Right-wing Facism, Taxes, voting

Things Learned During Governor Romney’s 60 Minutes interview


For (literally) years now, the primary case against Mitt Romney’s candidacy is that he’s “out of touch”, “has no core” and “will say anything” to get elected, even if what he’s saying doesn’t make a lick of sense. Last night (9/23), both Governor Romney and President Obama gave brief interviews to CBS’s “Scott Pelly” on “60 Minutes”. Governor Romney sought to […]


September 24, 2012
Posted in: Election, Healthcare, Politics, Right-Wing Insanity, Taxes, War

August Unemployment Up in 26 States. But BLS shows Rope-a-Dope AGAIN (updated)


Last May, I reported that the “States most likely to REJECT austerity to lower unemployment are Republican”, which surprised me, because I started my investigation expecting to find that Republican governors were laying off a massive number of public sector workers out of a Zealot-like belief in “Austerity”. What I found instead was shocking (well, not really. GOP-hypocrisy doesn’t […]


September 21, 2012
Posted in: Economy, Election, Jobs

Romney Rehab Week 2: The Full Quayle


Twenty years ago this past May, while campaigning in California, the Sarah Palin of the 1980’s… Vice President Dan Quayle… publicly humiliated himself once again by criticizing TV’s “Murphy Brown” for “having a child out of wedlock.” The man was already a laughing-stock for his endless list of gaffes (most notably “correcting” a Spelling-Bee champion for “misspelling” the word “potato” by […]


September 17, 2012
Posted in: Election, Middle East, Politics, Religion, Terrorism, War

Special guest comment: Our Changing Relationship with Gaza


Special Guest blogger “Grant from Texas” recalls his time working in Israel in the mid-1970’s and how much our relationship with the people in that region has changed since then. Minor edits, a few corrections and some supporting links were added for clarity. Romney is on TV this morning accusing President Obama of “sympathizing” with […]


September 12, 2012
Posted in: General, Guest Blogger, Middle East, Politics, Rants, Religion, Terrorism, War

“How Mitt Romney Made My Life Better.”


What do all these people have in common: Ryan Case Firefighter Doug Stern of Cincinnati, Ohio Maria Ciano Nate Davis Stacey Lihn Lilly Ledbetter Elaine Brye Johanny Adames Elizabeth Ann “Libby” Bruce Ed Meagher Bill Butcher Benita Veliz Sandra Fluke Austin Ligon, Co-founder and retired CEO of CarMax Karen Eusanio Jim Sinegal, Costco founder and […]


September 10, 2012
Posted in: Election, Politics

“Creating Jobs” is Counter to Everything the GOP Believes


You already know that Republicans have been “rooting for failure” since the day President Obama took office. Rush Limbaugh took heat for declaring on his radio show just days after Obama’s inauguration that he “hopes Obama fails” to fix the economy, and rather than apologize, he defended his comment and repeated it a second time, making sure […]


September 3, 2012
Posted in: Economy, Election, General, Jobs, myth busting, Politics, Rants